This study has three main objectives: to ascertain the impact of measures applied to the perpetrators, to reflect on the situation in Portugal in relation to the solutions adopted by other EU countries, and to produce recommendations promoting public policies to prevent domestic and gender-based violence. Combining the use of extensive and intensive research methods, the study will provide a robust diagnosis of the situation in Portugal, critically comparing it with comparative experience, and will draw up recommendations to prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence, duly contextualised in national policies and international commitments. The project is organised along four axes: a reflective systematisation of existing knowledge; a systematisation and critical analysis of comparative experience; an empirical evaluation of the impact of measures applied to aggressors and of existing mechanisms within the justice system; and dissemination of knowledge and recommendations.
The partners in this study are national and international institutions with relevant expertise in the issues under analysis: the Superior Council of the Judiciary, the Directorate General for Social Reintegration and Prison Services, the Attorney General's Office, the Public Security Police and the Norwegian Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies.
Boaventura de Sousa Santos (coord.)
Carolina Carvalho
Conceição Gomes (co-coord.)
Gustavo Veiga
Programa Conciliação e Igualdade de Género – EEA Grants 2014-2021
Programme Operator:
Comissão para a Cidadania e a Igualdade de Género (CIG)