
Domestic violence and public policies: between law and practice

July 7, 2022, 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm

O Projeto EEA Grants “Estudo avaliativo sobre o impacto das medidas aplicadas a pessoas agressoras” (IMAPA) promove, no dia 7 de julho, entre as 14h30 e as 16h30, o webinar “Violência doméstica e políticas públicas: entre a lei e a prática”, destinado a magistrados judiciais e do Ministério Público, polícias, técnicos da Direção-Geral de Reinserção e Serviços Prisionais, advogados e outros juristas, psicólogos, profissionais de organizações da sociedade civil e estudantes. O webinar tem como objetivo contribuir para alargar a discussão sobre as políticas de combate à violência doméstica.

This project, from the EEA Grants Program Conciliation and Gender Equality, operated by the CIG, is developed by the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra, through its Permanent Observatory for Justice, and in partnership with the Norwegian Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies, the Public Prosecution Office, the High Judicial Council, the Public Security Police and the Directorate-General for Rehabilitation and Prison Services. It aims to diagnose and assess the impact of measures applied to offenders, analyse and debate the Portuguese legislation in comparison with solutions provided by other European countries and deliver recommendations for the promotion of public policies for the prevention of domestic violence and gender violence.

Isabel DiasProfessor at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto

Rui do CarmoCoordinator of the Retrospective Analysis Team of Homicide in Domestic Violence

Comment: Ana Luísa RodriguesJournalist