UNIFOJ – Legal and Judicial Training Unit – is a project of the Permanent Observatory for Justice (OPJ) of the Centre for Social Studies (CES) of the University of Coimbra, oriented to professional advanced training in the areas of Law and Justice. UNIFOJ’s training experience and the various expressions of interest in training actions from professionals whose distance prevented them from attending in-person, led to the creation of e-UNIFOJ, Distance Learning Legal and Judicial Training Unit that, while maintaining its renowned training quality, extends its offer to other audiences within CPLP, therefore overcoming the barriers of distance and of time constraints. Given the wide area to which this training is directed, the distance learning courses are not bound to any legal framework.

Certified Training – State Associate Laboratory | DL nr. 396/2007, of 31/12 | DL nr. 63/2019, of 16/05 | CES Statutes

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